Channeled Forecast September 2024
Releasing Fear of the Future Click to WATCH NOW! The future is already written. What is unknown is already contained in the hearts of All, and this unknowing is really knowing that has not been accepted. In other words, you already know what is happening, you already know what is here now. You know the future because of connection to Oneness: you are part of everything, thus you know everything already. What is arriving is already set in the great wheel of time, which is not linear or calendar time, but rather the great wheel, the great cycle of seasons and transformations. Time is not linear. Time does not correspond to a wordly clock or calendar, although it does align with astrology and the grand patterns of the stars. The wheel of time spins, and now you are here: yet another moment when what is old falls away, and what is new begins. The current quality of time is this: yet another marker for the Aquarian age. Whatever you are afraid of: this ruler in power, that ruler in power, this political situation, that world event, will not come into effect as you fear. This is because nothing can actually rule; the soul is free. Those institutions, corporations and parties that once maintained the illusion of control of law and commerce—these continue to crumble and dissolve, even if at the moment, it seems worse than ever. This time, what is happening in world events is different: no one is coming to the party. No one is interested in the propaganda so carefully planned and promoted. No one, and by this we mean you and all who are conscious and even those who are just starting to awaken—all of you are see the lies, subterfuge and sleight of hand. This time, you are disinterested. You don’t partake of the options. You choose not to engage. The worldly world is reforming, and the old ways do not stand. We say: life goes on, in a new way. Not the way that is depicted in news cycle and social media, but the way that life is actually experienced by each of you. Most of you no longer believe what you were told, or what you are being told now. For the first time in many generations, you are believing yourself; you are trusting your direct experience. Again: a marker of change. Even those who are not fully awake, by this we mean those of you who have an off-and-on practice, who have not experienced or committed to the path of direct connection, even you notice the Universe as forthcoming: you are having signs, you are having synchronicities, you are having dreams, you are feeling and following Flow. Even without the profound benefit of regular direct connection, you are noticing a new reality unfold. Those who will have the most difficulty are those who hold firmly to identity and illusion: by this we mean the polarized beliefs, the slotting into right or wrong. There is no right or wrong. There are many ways to live. When you attach firmly to any belief system, you will find that they crumble right in front of your eyes, and you are grasping for what to hold onto. We say: let it all go. Even the beliefs you hold most dear—let these go too. If you cannot or will not let go, these will be taken from you as quickly as tornadoes sweep the land, fires burn or waves wash over everything. If you cannot let go, your ego will be swept forcefully, and this is not any easy path. Strip it all down: all that you’ve been told, all the identities you’ve held, all that you’ve been brought up and raised with. It is easy to let go of old, outdated beliefs. But also: reconsider all the new beliefs that you follow: what you have read or been taught. If you have not experienced these directly, look again. Not everything new is useful. What you are left with you is you in direct connection with the Universe. This is you, living your life on a soul level. No longer blocking this connection because of fear, false beliefs, or trying to bargain with the Universe that the worldly world must also be appeased. It does not. The soul matters most. What is real stays. Your soul is infinite, your identities are mutable with each lifetime, and also change many times within one lifetime. Take them off as you would a heavy coat, take them off as shoes you have outgrown. Do not worry if your neighbor or partner or friend or enemy still clings to old identities. Do your own work. Each soul must rise to their level of understanding. Others will catch up in time. It is a gift to see clearly, and to respond with alacrity when clarity comes. And for those who say: I still do not know? Take the blinders off. If you can’t see it yet, remove everything that is blocking your view: every habit, addiction, identity, distraction. Shed everything that does not matter—and find your soul waiting. |
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January 2025
Sara Wiseman is a visionary teacher of spiritual intuition. She's taught hundreds of thousands of students via her books, courses and training.