As we came down to the last days in Egypt, I started to feel uncertain. Everyone around me was having big spiritual experiences. They were having "aha" moments and past life remembrances and connections with other souls.
It's true—some of this was happening for me, especially when it came to past life remembrances. But there was a feeling I couldn't put my finger on. It was a sense of anticipation, of that was supposed to happen, but hadn't happened yet. And time was running out! By the time we boarded the small plane to fly back from Luxor back to Cairo—once again over the vast Sahara— I'd given up. What I thought was going to happened, wasn't—and this was okay. I focused on my incredible gratitude for all that I had seen and experienced, and I let go of the need for some additional "aha", and I just relaxed on the plane and talked to the person sitting next to me. Of course, that was when it happened. I was sitting in the middle seat. The other person was sitting in the aisle seat. Nobody was in the window seat. Until someone was. All of a sudden, for no reason, I felt a presence had come into my awareness. Not like a little spirit. Certainly not a human. It was a gigantic guide—so big that his head did not fit under the plane ceiling, but extended up through the ceiling. He was huge, and his presence was as calm and steady and untroubled as stone, and he took his massive hand and held my wrist. I sat there, transfixed by literally everything, unable to feel or think, and in that moment, I felt all of this guide's presence and I heard something along the lines of "Everything is okay." And then in the next moment. "Be only you." A simple answer. But not simple to me. In the puzzle of my own inner spiritual work it was the absolute key to something I had been working on for a very long time. And so we sat there, this gigantic guide holding my wrist, and the rest of the trip—witnessing the mummies in the Museum, back at the hotel, on the 12 hour flight back to JFK, and here back to Oregon, this guide has remained. He is with me here right now. So who is this new guide? There will be more to tell—and in time, there will be a great deal to channel. But for now, it is enough for me to say that there are absolute miracles, all the time. For me, for you. They never stop. Much love, SARA P.S. Sign up now for our June SUMMER SOLSTICE virtual retreat! Just $15! Comments are closed.
Divine inspiration for soul travelers!Sara's teachings provide inspiration to support you on your path.
February 2025
Sara Wiseman is a visionary teacher of spiritual intuition. She's taught hundreds of thousands of students via her books, courses and training.